Last night while sparring in Muay Thai I thought I maybe broke my foot on someone’s knee. It hurt like a son of a bitch. I can actually see the fabric from my shin guard pressed into my skin, that’s how much force there was. I came home and iced it and felt it all night in bed. It’s thick, swollen and bruised today so I wasn’t sure how putting and tying a shoe would feel, but it was OK so I went to the gym to do 14.1 as a non-competitor. It was so stress free!
10 minute AMRAP
30 DUs
15 power snatch (55#)
I started feeling pain in the top of my foot on the double unders during this, but it wasn’t too bad and in general I worked pretty steadily through the movements. It felt like a VERY slow 10 minutes, that’s for sure! I got through 6 complete rounds with an additional 30 double unders and 1 snatch, so my total score was 301.